The faster
way to divide any number mentally by 9 is simply to reduce a complex
division to a very simple addition. The technique follows the below steps:
Step-1: Copy the first (left) digit from the dividend as it is and you have the first answer digit.Step-2: Add it to the next digit of the dividend and you have the 2nd answer digit. Add this number to the next adjacent digit of the dividend and continue the step with the other digits. Write these numbers down as answer digit except the last set of digit(s) to get partial Quotient. Remember to add any carried numbers.Step-3: If last set of digits is = or >9; divide it by 9 and get the balance Quotient and final Remainder.Step-4: Add the partial and balance quotient to get the final quotient.
Here are some examples:
221013 ÷ 9 =?
Start putting the first (left) digit of
the dividend as it is which is 2, and you have the first answer digit. ->2
The next one would be this answer digit
plus the next digit of the dividend. So, 2 plus 2 is 4. ->2-4
The next answer digit would be this 4
plus 1 that is 5. ->2-4-5
Now, using the same logic, the next
answer digit would be 5 plus 0, which is again 5. ->2-4-5-5
Next one would be 5 plus 1 that is 6.
And then the last step would be 6 plus
3 that is 9. But do not write down 9, because this would be the remainder, if
there is a remainder. In this case, there would be none, because 9 still goes 1
times in 9. This 1 would be added to the last findings i.e. 6 resulting 7.
See the pattern?
So, 32142 ÷ 9 =?
The answer would be the first digit
that is 3, ->3
3 plus the next digit 2 that is 5,
5 plus the next digit 1 that is 6,
6 plus the next digit 4 that is 10, now
10 is a 2 digit number so carry '1' (to be added with 6 making 7) and put 0
here. ->3-5-(6+1)-0
And 10 plus the last digit 2 would be
12, remember not to put 12 here. Now, 9 goes how many times in 12? Nine 1 times
is 9. So, this 1 would be added to previous finding '0' and 3 is the remainder.
So, the answer would be 3-5-(6+1)-(0+1)
that is 3571 with 3 reminder.
8346425 ÷ 9 =?
The answer would be the first digit 8,
8 plus 3 that is 11, put 1 and add 1 to
the previous finding ->(8+1)-1
11 plus 4 that is 15, write 5 and add 1
to the previous finding ->(8+1)-(1+1)-5
15 plus 6 that is 21, write 1 and add 2
to previous finding ->(8+1)-(1+1)-(5+2)-1
21 plus 4 that is 25, write 5 and add 2
to previous finding ->(8+1)-(1+1)-(5+2)-(1+2)-5
25 plus 2 that is 27, write 7 and add 2
to the previous finding ->(8+1)-(1+1)-(5+2)-(1+2)-(5+2)-7
27 plus 5 that is 32. Now as it is the
last digit, don’t write 27 down. See, 9 goes how many times in 32? Nine 3 times
is 27 with 5 remainder. So, this 3 would be added to last finding that is 7 and
5 is the remainder. ->(8+1)-(1+1)-(5+2)-(1+2)-(5+2)-(7+3)
So, the answer would be ->(8+1)-(1+1)-(5+2)-(1+2)-(5+2)-(7+3)
that is 92737-10, Now again don’t write
this 10 straightaway.
Write ‘o’ and carry ‘1’ to add to
previous finding that is 7 to get 8.
Therefore, the final answer is 927380
with a remainder of 5.
9 =?
Partial Quotient => 4, 7, 16, 22
=> 4, 7, (16+2), 2
=> 4, 7, 18, 2
=> 4, (7+1), 8, 2
=> 4, 8, 8, 2
Balance Quotient = 29/9 = 3, Remainder
Final Quotient = 4882 + 3 = 4885
Answer: Quotient 4885 Remainder 2
This way you can reduce a complex division
to a very simple addition. And everyone is really very good at adding numbers.
For dividing by 90, shift
the decimal point to 1 digit left and for dividing by 900, move the decimal
point to 2 digits left after diving by 9 or following the above steps.