In Part-1, we saw how to
multiply numbers by 9, 99, 999, 9999 and so on in the fastest way for
multiplier having equal or more digits than the multiplicand. Here in part-2;
we will see how to multiply numbers by 9, 99, 999, 9999 and so on in the faster
way irrespective of digits the multiplicand have. That is; this method is
applicable for multiplying any number with any-number of digit composed of 9.
Write as many ‘0’ after the multiplicand as there are ‘9’ in the multiplier (the number composed of 9) and then subtract the original number from this result.
Let’s illustrate with example:
X 999
There are three 9’s in the number
composed of 9. So, place three ‘0’ after 59876 getting 59876000 and then
subtract 59876 from 59876000.
Now, 59876000 – 59876 = 59816124.
So, 59876 x 999 = 59816124
More examples,
9×9 = 90 – 9 =
81(there is one 9, so put one 0)
46×9 = 460−46 =
414 (there is one 9, so place one 0)
46×99 = 4600 – 46 =
4554 (two 9’s, so place 00)
38×999 = 38000-38 =
37962 (three 9’s, put 000)
59876 × 9999 = 598760000 – 59876 = 598700124 (four 9’s)
× 99999 = 678954300000 – 6789543 = 678947510457
Math behind this: This works because of
the Distributive law of multiplication
= 10-1
99 = 100-1
999 = 1000-1
9999 = 10000-1
And so on…
46 × 99 =
46 × (100-1) = 4600 – 46 =
38 × 999 = 38 × (1000-1) = 38000 – 38 = 37962
59876×9999 = 59876×(10000-1)=598760000–59876 = 598700124